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My first cock-orgasm

My first cock-orgasm

This feedback is from one of my Sexological Bodywork clients, who did a series of 3 sessions with me. The sessions with Louise were fun and exciting. She wanted to explore her energetic cock, experience her Vulva expanding into the space and how her pelvic feelings would change by stepping into this idea and sensation. Her. Having a cock. Imagening how it feels like. Smells like. Its size and texture. How it penetrates. Ejaculates all this essence and life force into the world.
What can I say? – she is very susceptible to energy-orgasms, has a vivid imagination and contains the perfect amount of crazy and wild. And she did have an amazing huge Orgasm. It was great to witness her leaving behind mental boundaries and sense her body in new ways.

Dear Britta!

Thank you for being such an awesome coach! For supporting me in having my first -incredible- cock-orgasm 🙂 I hope you go on with this work. You have the perfect presence for it! I also loved the fact that you did not only repeat what I said perfectly, but also told me your impulses- I will never forget how it felt when I followed the energy of my athletic cock up inside my body and it transformed into a snake and the energy started spiralling up around it faster and faster 🙂

Thank you!!


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